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- July 12, 2012
- Inteview videos are added featuring "Expectations for FIRST Tonomura Project" by three distinguished physicists, Dr. C. N. Yang, Dr. A. J. Leggett, and Dr. Y. Aharonov.
- June 12, 2012
- Dr. Nobuyuki Osakabe, General Manager of Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, was appointed Acting Principal Investigator of this project.
- May 11, 2012
- Tonomura FIRST International Symposium on "Electron Microscopy and Gauge Fields" sponsored by this project was held at Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo on May 9-10, 2012, with 33 invited presentations (11 from abroad and 22 from Japan) and 10 poster presentations. The total number of attendance was 268.
- May 2, 2012
- It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Dr. Akira Tonomura, principal investigator of this project, passed away during the course of medical treatment on pancreatic cancer at 0:08 am, May 2, 2012. On this sad occasion we would like to express our gratitude to all who helped and supported him during his lifetime.
- September 24, 2011
- An article on Dr. Akira Tonomura was published in NIKKEI SCIENCE (science magazine) with the feature "The Japanese brains which changed the world."
the November issue of NIKKEI SCIENCE
- March 3, 2011
Dr. Maximillian Haider, collaborator of Tonomura Project, received 2011 Wolf Prize in Physics -
Dr. Maximillian Haider of CEOS, together with Professor Harald Rose and Dr. Knut Urban, received the 2011 Wolf Prize in Physics for their development of aberration-corrected electron microscopy.
All the members of the Tonomura Project, as collaborators, offer him congratulations on his receiving a highly-honored award next to the Nobel Prize
There are a large number of technical challenges to be solved before we can manufacture our target machine "an Atomic–Resolution Holography Electron Microscope". These technical challenges include the development of the following extremely sophisticated apparatus and instruments: aberration-corrected lenses, discharge-free high-voltage cables, high-stability power sources, discharge-free, non-vibrant acceleration tubes, ultra-stable sample stages, high-efficiency, and high-resolution TV cameras.
Collaborating with a large number of domestic manufacturers, we have been developing most of these technologies under the MEXT* Project on "Development of Basic Technologies for High-Brightness, Monochromatic Electron Beams" (2006-2009). In addition, we have been collaborating with Dr. Haider for more than seven years on the R&D of the aberration correction technology, the most important technology.
In November last year, Dr. Haider and Professor Rose were among the 33 invited speakers at Tonomura FIRST International Workshop on "Challenges to New Developments in Electron Microscopy." At the end of the workshop, Professor Archie Howie, the workshop coordinator, stated that "The new high voltage project will surely present a formidable challenge in many aspects of instrumentation and addressing this will surely have a wider beneficial spin-off to the rest of electron microscopy." With these international and domestic supports received at the workshop, we are now taking on a difficult challenge of developing an atomic-resolution holography electron microscope.
* MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.Prof. Dr. Max. Haider
- September 17, 2010
- Interview article on Dr. Akira Tonomura was published in IOP (Institute of Physics) asia-pacific , with the title "Akira Tonomura: past, present and future of the holography electron microscope".
- September 10, 2010
- A textbook "Look at Beautiful Quantum Mechanics" (in Japanese) wrote by Dr. Akira Tonomura was published from SAIENSU-SHA Co., Ltd., Japan.
- August 6, 2010
- Interview article on Dr. Akira Tonomura, Principal Investigator, which appeared in the "Hometown of Learning" column of Nihon Keizai Shimbun’s Evening Edition.
- June 22, 2010
- Dr. Akira Tonomura lectured at The University of Tokyo’s Global COE Symposium on "Concentrated Educational Base on Physical Sciences with a View to the Future." Lecture title: "The Path I Have Followed - Aiming at Original Research."
- May 25, 2010
- An article describing the Tonomura FIRST project with other FIRST projects appeared in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper) with the title "Changing Cutting-edge Research – Releasing Individual Talent."
- April 15, 2010
- An article on the Tonomura FIRST project and Dr. Akira Tonomura was published in Nature with the title "Japan Rolls Out Elite Science Funds." NATURE, Vol. 464, 15 April 2010.
- April 1, 2010
- Dr. Akira Tonomura lectured at a seminar for the Institute for Cosmic Research, The University of Tokyo. The lecture title: "Opening the World Using the Electron Microscope."
- March 10, 2010
- Funding Program for World-leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST) was launched.
- September 4, 2009
- he Tonomura FIRST project was chosen by the Funding Program for World-leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST) of the Cabinet Office of Japan.
- ■Principal Investigator: Akira Tonomura
- Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.; Group Director, RIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
- ■Research Project: Development and Application of Atomic-resolution Holography Electron Microscope