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Expectations for FIRST Tonomura Project by Dr. C. N. Yang
Expectations for FIRST Tonomura Project by Dr. A. J. Leggett
Expectations for FIRST Tonomura Project by Dr. Y. Aharonov
Dates and Venue
- Dates:
- May 9 (Wednesday) – May 10 (Thursday), 2012
- Venue:
- Keio Plaza Hotel
2-2-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8330, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3344-0111, URL: http://www.keioplaza.co.jp/
FIRST Tonomura Project aims at developing a 1.2 MV holography electron microscope capable of observing quantum phenomena in the microscopic world. This electron microscope is expected to contribute not only to the progress of cutting-edge advancements in materials science, life science and environmental technologies but also to contribute to the development of the fundamental science by opening up a new field in the quantum world. These targets will be discussed by distinguished scientists from all over the world including Nobel laureates Chen Ning Yang, Anthony J. Leggett, and Makoto Kobayashi, and to explore new fields of science and technology based on quantum effects. The symposium is open to the public as a part of an outreach activity. The symposium also aims at expanding activities of electron microscopy community and quantum science community especially among young scientists and engineers.

Invited Speakers
- Aharonov, Yakir (Chapman University, USA and Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
- Baym, Gordon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- Chen, Cheng-Hsuan (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- Colliex, Christian (CNRS, France)
- Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal (Peter Grünberg Institute Research Centre Jülich, Germany)
- Fujikawa, Kazuo (RIKEN, Japan)
- Haider, Maximilian (CEOS, Germany)
- Hasegawa, Shuji (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Iijima, Sumio (Meijo University, NEC Corporation, and AIST, Japan)
- Kobayashi, Makoto (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Nagoya University, Japan)(2008 Nobel Laureate in Physics)
- Leggett, Anthony (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) (2003 Nobel Laureate in Physics)
- Nagaosa, Naoto (University of Tokyo and RIKEN, Japan)
- Nori, Franco (RIKEN, Japan and Univerisity of Michigan, USA)
- Osakabe, Nobuyuki (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan)
- Shindo, Daisuke (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Smith, David (Arizona State University, USA)
- Suenaga, Kazutomo (AIST)
- Tollaksen, Jeff (Chapman University, USA)
- Tonomura, Akira (Hitachi, Ltd., RIKEN, and OIST, Japan)
- Tsai, Jaw-Shen (RIKEN, Japan)
- Ueda, Masahito (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Yang, Chen Ning (Tsinghua University and Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, and State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA) (1957 Nobel Laureate in Physics)
- Zhu, Yimei (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
Invited Speakers
Kobayashi, Makoto (JSPS)
Yang, Chen Ning (Tsinghua Univ., Chinese Univ. Hong Kong, and SUNY)
Aharonov, Yakir (Tel-Aviv Univ. and Chapman Univ.)
Tollaksen, Jeff (Chapman Univ.)
Hasegawa, Shuji (Univ. Tokyo)
Shindo, Daisuke (Tohoku Univ.)
Osakabe, Nobuyuki (Hitachi)
Fujikawa, Kazuo (RIKEN)
Leggett, Anthony (Univ. Illinois)
Ueda, Masahito (Univ. Tokyo)
Tsai, Jaw-Shen (RIKEN)
Nagaosa, Naoto (Univ. Tokyo)
Baym, Gordon (Univ. Illinois)
Nori, Franco (RIKEN)
Iijima, Sumio (Meijo Univ., NEC, and AIST)
Suenaga, Kazutomo (AIST)
Shinada, Hiroyuki (Hitachi)
Haider, Maximilian (CEOS)
Chen, Cheng-Hsuan (National Taiwan Univ.)
Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal (Research Centre Jülich)
Zhu, Yimei (Brookhaven National Lab.)
Smith, David (Arizona State Univ.)
Colliex, Christian (CNRS)
Nakamura, Michiharu (JST)
Ono, Yoshimasa (RIKEN)
Organizing Committee
- Zhu, Yimei (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA) Chair
- Colliex, Christian (CNRS, France)
- Fujikawa, Kazuo (RIKEN, Japan)
- Tonomura, Akira (Hitachi, Ltd., RIKEN, and OIST, Japan)
- Ueda, Masahito (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Ono, Yoshimasa (RIKEN, Japan)
- Ohyama, Takeshi (Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan)
- JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- OIST(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation)
- The Asahi Shimbun Company
- Nikkei Inc.
- Nikkei Science Inc.
No participation fee for the symposium (¥5,000 for the banquet)
To those who want to participate in the symposium: Fill in necessary information in the Registration Form and send the form as attached to symposium secretariat (e-mail: ).
For further information, please contact the symposium secretariat .
Day 1 (Wednesday, May 9. 2012)
9:00 – 9:30 | Registration (at Room Aozora) |
9:30 – 10:00 | Welcome Address and Greeting (Chair: Y. Zhu)
10:00 – 10:40 | Plenary Session (Chair: K. Fujikawa)
10:40 –11:00 | Coffee Break (at Room Hikari) |
11:00 – 12:00 | Session 1 (Chair: G. Baym)
12:00 – 13:00 | Session 2 (Chair: S. Hasegawa)
13:00-14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 –15:30 | Session 3 (Chair: N. Nagaosa)
15:30 –16:50 | Session 4 (Chair: J.-S. Tsai)
16:50 – 17:00 | Group Photo (at Room Aozora) |
17:00 – 17:50 | Poster Session and Coffee Break (at Room Hikari) |
18:20 – 20:00 | Banquet (at Room Akebono) (Coordinator: Y. Zhu) |
Day 2 (Thursday, May 10, 2012)
9:00 – 10:35 | Session 5 (Chair: Y. Zhu) (at Room Aozora)
10:35 –10:50 | Coffee Break (at Room Hikari) |
10:50 – 11:50 | Session 6 (Chair: D. Shindo)
11:50 – 13:30 | Lunch |
13:30 – 14:40 | Session 7 (Chair: D. Smith)
14:40 – 14:50 | Closing (Chair: Y.A. Ono)
International Workshop in Review
International Workshop - Participating Researcher Interviews
1. Dates and Venue
- Dates:
- November 8 (Monday) – 10 (Wednesday), 2010
- Venue:
Fuji-Soft Akihabara Building
3 Kanda-Nerihei-cho, Chiyada-ku, Tokyo 101-0022, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5209-6285, Fax: +81-3-5209-5261
(URL: http://www.fsi.co.jp/akibaplaza/cont/info/index.html)
2. Purpose
To discuss present challenges and future prospects of high-resolution electron holography and electron microscopy in a panel discussion format by all-invited, distinguished scientists and engineers from all over the world and to explore possibilities of new research collaborations and new research directions. The main focus of the Workshop is on the observation of atoms, quantum-mechanical phenomena, and nano-scale electromagnetic behavior, and on the phase microscopy.
3. Session Topics
- 1. "Can we detect electron phase shifts as precisely as 1/1000 of the electron wavelength? -What can be seen with it?-"
- 2. "Cutting edges of electron holography – Electric and magnetic fields - "
- 3. "New applications of electron microscopy and electron holography"
- 4. "What can we observe at sub-angstrom resolution and how far can we Increase the point resolution?"
- 5. "Can we observe atom shapes and atom bonding? -In relation to electron diffraction-"
- 6. "Can we dispense with films and image-pick-up tubes? -High-resolution and high-quality image sensors-"
- 7. "Can we observe atomic arrangements in the three dimensions?"
4. Invited Speakers and Panelists
Tonomura, Akira (Hitachi, RIKEN, and OIST)
Ono, Yoshimasa (RIKEN)
Lichte, Hannes (Technische Univ. Dresden)
Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. (Technical Univ. Denmark)
Voelkl, Edgar (FEI)
Tanji, Takayoshi (Nagoya Univ.)
Shindo, Daisuke (Tohoku Univ.)
McCartney, Molly R. (Arizona State Univ.)
Hirayama, Tsukasa (Japan Fine Ceramics Center)
Murakami, Yasukazu (Tohoku Univ.)
Matsui, Yoshio (National Institute for Materials Science)
Colliex, Christian (CNRS)
Yanik, Mehmet F. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mori, Hirotaro (Osaka Univ.)
Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf (Univ. Antwerp)
Zaluzec, Nestor J. (Argonne National Lab.)
Howie, Archie (Univ. Cambridge)
Smith, David J. (Arizona State Univ.)
Takayanagi, Kunio (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Suenaga, Kazutomo (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Kondo, Yukihito (JEOL)
Inada, Hiromi (Hitachi High-Technologies)
Rose, Harald (Univ. Ulm)
Haider, Maximilian (CEOS)
Spence, John C. H. (Arizona State Univ.)
Zhu, Yimei (Brookhaven National Lab.)
Namba, Keiichi (Osaka Univ.)
Ellisman, Mark H. (Univ. California, San Diego)
Osakabe, Nobuyuki (Hitachi)
McMullan, Greg (MRC-LMB)
Midgley, Paul (Univ. Cambridge)
Mooney, Paul (Gatan)
Kaneko, Kenji (Kyusyu Univ.)
Koch, Christoph T. (Max Planck Institute for Metals Research)
Jin-nai, Hiroshi (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Shimizu, Ryuichi (International Institute for Advanced Studies)
5. Organizing Committee:
- Howie, Archibald (Univ. Cambridge)
- Mori, Hirotaro (Osaka Univ.)
- Shindo, Daisuke (Tohoku Univ.)
- Spence, John C.H. (Arizona State University)
- Tonomura, Akira (Hitachi and RIKEN)
- Zhu, Yimei (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6. Secretariat
- Ono, Yoshimasa A. (RIKEN)
7. Sponsors:
- RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
- Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
- MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
- JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
- OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Corporation)
8. Inquiry:
For further information, please contact the workshop secretariat.
* FIRST: Funding program for world-leading innovative research and development on science and technology